Cucumis - Shërbim përkthimi në linjë falas
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Përkthime të kërkuara - erika19271

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Rezultojne 1-2 për rreth 2
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Kjo kërkesë për përkthim është "Vetëm kuptimi".
Anglisht We have security cameras instaIIed aII over the...
We have security cameras instaIIed
aII over the hoteI
Nobody was there in the corridor.
You can watch the tapes,
satisfy your seIf
Fine, go on. Be back soon. We have
to meet , remember
You must be tired. And
you have a shoot..
There's nothing in the security
tapes. I didn't see a girI
We have aIso Iodged
a poIice compIaint
But unIess we get a cIue..
She wanted to become an actress,
but she couIdn't make it
That's why she is envious. Because
I'm successfuI, she is not

Përkthime të mbaruara
Bullgarisht Имаме инсталирани охранителни камери